Rosetta Code Challenges - Deal cards for FreeCell

Tell us what’s happening:

dealFreeCell(seed) should return an array of length 7.
Failed:dealFreeCell(1) should return an array identical to example “Game #1
Failed:dealFreeCell(617) should return an array identical to example “Game #617

Your code so far

function dealFreeCell(dealNumber) {
    const MODULUS = 2 ** 31;
    const MULTIPLIER = 214013;
    const INCREMENT = 2531011;
    const CARD_COUNT = 52;
    const COLUMN_COUNT = 8;

    // Initialize the deck
    const suits = ['C', 'D', 'H', 'S'];
    const ranks = ['A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K'];
    let deck = [];
    for (let suit of suits) {
        for (let rank of ranks) {
            deck.push(rank + suit);

    // Seed the RNG
    let state = dealNumber;

    // Shuffle the deck using the RNG
    for (let i = CARD_COUNT - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        state = (MULTIPLIER * state + INCREMENT) % MODULUS;
        let rand = Math.floor(state / 2 ** 16) % (i + 1);
        [deck[i], deck[rand]] = [deck[rand], deck[i]];

    // Deal the cards into 8 columns
    let columns = Array.from({ length: COLUMN_COUNT }, () => []);
    for (let i = 0; i < CARD_COUNT; i++) {
        columns[i % COLUMN_COUNT].push(deck[i]);

    // Convert 8 columns into 7 columns
    let result = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        result.push(columns[i].concat(columns[7][i] || []));

    return { columns: result };

// Example usage:
console.log(dealFreeCell(1)); // Should match "Game #1"
console.log(dealFreeCell(617)); // Should match "Game #617"


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Challenge Information:

Rosetta Code Challenges - Deal cards for FreeCell

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