Scientific Computing with Python Projects - Arithmetic Formatter

.replit window did not show
Hi! I’m working in the first project of Scientific Computing with Python.
The problem: I entered in the link Create a new Repl - Replit
The instructions says that exist a “.replit” window, in my case, that window do not exist and, in adittion, I run the code as the instructions suggest, and appears a code error because is not commented.

Help! Thanks!

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Challenge: Scientific Computing with Python Projects - Arithmetic Formatter

Link to the challenge:

can you show screenshots? I don’t really understand what is the issue you are facing (the replit works for me)

this looks pretty normal.
What happens when you click Run? (pls show us)

Edit: actually yours has an extra file that I don’t see .pytest_cache
Not sure where that one came from.

Thanks for all. I click somewhere and began to work.

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