In question 61 of the Scientific Computing with Python certification, Password Generator, I am entering in
if all([]):
But this is not working. I am unsure as to why this is the case and think there might be a mistake with the question itself.
Your indentation isn’t correct in the code you posted.
if all([]):
This is returning " Sorry, your code does not pass. Keep trying. You should have break
inside your new if
body." The indentation there is okay, but it’s saying that there should be a break
inside the section with the if loop (which there is).
import re
import secrets
import string
def generate_password(length, nums, special_chars, uppercase, lowercase):
# Define the possible characters for the password
letters = string.ascii_letters
digits = string.digits
symbols = string.punctuation
# Combine all characters
all_characters = letters + digits + symbols
while True:
password = ''
# Generate password
for _ in range(length):
password += secrets.choice(all_characters)
constraints = [
(nums, r'\d'),
(lowercase, r'[a-z]'),
(uppercase, r'[A-Z]'),
(special_chars, fr'[{symbols}]')
# Check constraints
count = 0
if all([]):
return password
# new_password = generate_password(8)
# print(new_password)
Oh, there were two break statements! It’s working now!
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October 5, 2024, 5:39am
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