Server hacked by JavaScript HDV

Hey guys, anyone heard of “JavaScript HDV”?

We have a Minecraft Server that recently has been hacked.
A friend told me that the operating console was open for anyone via “JavaScript HDV”. Seems to be a gap and a door for hackers to execute any commands on our server.
So the attack came from there.

He fixed it by typing something like “/HDV JavaScript set off” in order to prevent attacks. That worked.

Now I would like to learn more about HDV, don’t always want to bother my friend. He told me that in order to use this HDV needs to be downloaded. I did not really find a lot about HDV during my web search.

May anyone here help me? Thanks.

Hi , all the premium hosting servers should be equipped with automated DDoS protection. This software avoids attacks and protects servers from hackers. I advise to have a look at the and take an example of how they are built. They are more experienced and a big supported server platforms which is one of the most secure in the Minecraft .