Show local weather: can't get alternating pictures

I have been working on the show local weather app for about 3 days now and I can’t seem to figure out how to get the images in the background to change. I have been using if statements to get them to change depending on the temperature. I have pretty much followed the codingtutorials360 videos on youtube, but still can’t get it. Anyway here is the code if anyone has any suggestions.

Thanks in advance,

I can see a couple of issues. First, your images are all being accessed via HTTP while your CodePen is HTTPS. Your browser’s security policy will block the downloading of insecure content from a secure connection. Find some images that are securely hosted. The second problem I see is that you’re trying to make numerical comparisons with the variable fTemp, which is a string. You’ll have to figure out a way to compare the temperature as a number.

Awesome thanks, Finding secure photos should be easy enough. The second part is going to take a bit to figure out

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can fix my if/ else statement issue? or if there is a better way to go about it?

So I need a second fTemp variable that only represents the number?

Awesome I’ll give that a shot thanks