Sicurezza dell'informazione con HelmetJS - Nascondere informazioni potenzialmente pericolose usando helmet.hidePoweredBy()

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Ho scritto il comando al posto in dicato… controllando pure la soluzione, ma quando clicco su ‘ho completato la sfida’ non prosegue… perchÈ ?

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Lo user agent è: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0

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Sicurezza dell’informazione con HelmetJS - Nascondere informazioni potenzialmente pericolose usando helmet.hidePoweredBy()

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Here is the screenshot…

here is the dashboard with the working place that is active

We have to see your code. Which is why I asked you to post a repo, or Gitpod snapshot.

  1. I do not see you requiring in helmet
  2. Do not update the dependencies, helmet has had breaking changes to some of its API.