Simon Game project feedback

See the Pen Simon Game by Juan Li (@juan-coding) on CodePen.

Here is my short story about how I started and finally finished this project: At beginning, I play around with <button>, hoping to ‘shape’ buttons to the color pattern in the Simon game, but after around one hour of thinking, I chosen building SVG for Simon game face in illustrator (luckily I already knew how to manipulate SVG in javascript). Then, it took me another, perhaps 10 hours to finish all the code. I don’t know my coding ability. Is the time I spent too much for this small application and is my resolution not very good (at least the game generally matches the ‘User Stories’. )? Any feedback is highly appreciated!

Thanks a lot for your prompt reply and very useful suggestions. I have just made some adjustment to my logic of how Simon’s supposed to work and fixed the bug you mentioned as well. I have another question: the sample video is not saying something about the maximal times of user making mistakes. I assume it no more than one time. If up to twice, user needs to start the game from counting ‘01’.

See the Pen Simon Game_v2 by Juan Li (@juan-coding) on CodePen.

See. I’d never know what is ‘Simon game’ if I didn’t doing this FCC project. Many thanks. I understand that good design for web application matters a lot. I’ll edit my code tomorrow morning.

Indeed. Adding cool features is a very good practice, including my my previous completed projects.