Hi to all campers.
This is my tribute page made using bootstrap.
link - https://codepen.io/smasher/full/BzGVZG/
I had made it simple and cross platform (mobile ,laptop and desktop)
Kindly verify .
Hi to all campers.
This is my tribute page made using bootstrap.
link - https://codepen.io/smasher/full/BzGVZG/
I had made it simple and cross platform (mobile ,laptop and desktop)
Kindly verify .
Welcome to FCC! You did very well… The only things I can suggest are really minor…
Removing the bullet points from your lists will make it look much never… just add list-unstyled to your ul classes in the html to do that. Also, your page could use a bit of breathing room on the edges… I tried setting a width of 90% to your container-fluid style in css and it made a huge difference.
Thats all personal preference stuff though You are off to a great start.
Hey Thanks cndragn
I had made the changes.It really made the difference
link - https://codepen.io/smasher/full/BzGVZG/
Again Thanks
Hey I have seen your project it is nicely compiled I’m also doing the same project can you tell me where to download the photo and where to do the project
Hey @yog24esh ,
Very well done buddy.
you had done a great job for tribute page.
I closed this topic, as it is 4 years old. If you have questions about this project, please open a new topic.