So how to NOT forget whatever I have learned before?

Also it helps to keep notes. You can create a local website for yourself and create a page for each lesson, or something like that. You can link to and/or specify (for yourself) where something is explained. Just the process of writing a note about something can help. This is advice I do myself.

Hey man, hope you are doing well. So, I am not an expert and also I am learning HTML and CSS. Tbh there are hundreds of attributes and tags in HTML and CSS so I think it is really easy and normal to forget and also you cannot remember every single thing. So, what you can do is, make a note book and take note of each of the tags and attributes. You don’t have to write down every single tags, just note the tags which you think might be important. So, next time whenever you will feel like you are forgetting everything, just go through that notebook. You don’t need to read every pages, just skim through it. This is the method I applied and so far so good.

A post was split to a new topic: Need advice on how to get started

I’ve found that sites like freecodecamp and Codecademy are great websites to learn the tools needed, but they offer ALOT of content before you actually get a chance to practice putting EVERYTHING together which gives you time to forget. I use these sites to get me a base knowledge of new topics, then I use a site like Scrimba (some of their better content you have to pay to use but it’s soooo worth it, plus they have a VERY good Responsive CSS course) that allows you to practice along with a video with their built in text-editor (you see your results instantly within a smaller screen on the page you’re working on). Don’t be afraid to buy some books as well. I’m currently strengthening my CSS skills using a book named CSS In-Depth, along with a few more other resources. I hope this is helpful. You’ll need to use multiple resources to actually get a full grasp on what you’re doing, and then it’s just practice, practice, practice, and repeat.

Personally, I think buying coding resources and content is 100% unnecessary in this day in age given the volume and quality of free resources. YMMV

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