Solve "Use the Rest Operator with Function Parameters

Tell us what’s happening:
I just cant seem to get around this challenge. I would appreciate any help!

Your code so far

/*const sum = (function() {
  "use strict";
  return function sum(x, y, z) {
    const args = [ x, y, z ];
    return args.reduce((a, b) => a + b,);
console.log(sum(1, 2, 3)); // 6*/

/*function sum(...theArgs) {
  return theArgs.reduce((previous, current) => {
    return previous + current;
const sum = (function() {
	"use strict";
	return function sum(...n) {		
		return n.reduce((a, b) => a * b, 0);
console.log(sum(1, 2, 3)); //6

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Link to the challenge:

It looks like the challenge doesn’t like that you’re calling the argument n. Try changing it to args.

Also, you should “sum” the numbers and not “multiply”.


Wow, thanks mate i got it!