Spring Boot bug - JPA mapping


I’m dealing with a nasty bug! I mapped a class (JPA - Application First) in the beans folder and there was a typo: id was written as ind. I fixed the typo. In MySQL the column is as id, however, Postman only accepts ind and when I used my browser’s localhost, it appears as ind. Because of this issue, I cannot make a GET call from Postman without deleting the inner join between two columns, and whenever I do a POST to create a new entry on MySQL, the id—or, in my case, ind—is generating id numbers out of wack.
I’ve been trying to fix this for a while. Thanks!

import jakarta.persistence.Column;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import jakarta.persistence.GenerationType;
import jakarta.persistence.Id;

import jakarta.persistence.Table;

public class Candidato2 {
	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
	private int id;
	private String nome;
	private String sobreNome;
	private short idade;
	private String cpf;
	private String genero; 
	private String email;
	private int celular;
	//private Endereco2SU endereco2SU;
	public Endereco2SU getEndereco() {
		return endereco2SU;

	public void setEndereco(Endereco2SU endereco) {
		this.endereco2SU = endereco;

	public int getInd() {
		return id;

	public void setInd(int id) {
		this.id = id;

	public String getNome() {
		return nome;

	public void setNome(String nome) {
		this.nome = nome;

	public String getSobreNome() {
		return sobreNome;

	public void setSobreNome(String sobreNome) {
		this.sobreNome = sobreNome;

	public short getIdade() {
		return idade;

	public void setIdade(short idade) {
		this.idade = idade;

	public String getCpf() {
		return cpf;

	public void setCpf(String cpf) {
		this.cpf = cpf;

	public String getGenero() {
		return genero;

	public void setGenero(String genero) {
		this.genero = genero;

	public String getEmail() {
		return email;

	public void setEmail(String email) {
		this.email = email;

	public int getCelular() {
		return celular;

	public void setCelular(int celular) {
		this.celular = celular;


Localhost from browser:

nome	"Aldair"
sobreNome	"Venancio"
idade	23
cpf	"1342354323"
genero	"Masculino"
email	"aldvenan01@hotmail.com"
celular	980143556
ind	1


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I updated Ids 1, 2 and 3 via MySQL. 102, 152 and 202 (increments of 50) are being done via @GeneratedValue when doing POST via Postman.