SQL Reference Object

You can see the commit you made. It shows the message you gave with the commit, along with your username, email, the date, and a commit hash. The hash is that long string of characters. Open up your .json file and create an object with a reference for how to create a database that looks like this:

  "database": {
    "create": "CREATE DATABASE database_name;"

Make sure there’s one empty line at the bottom of the file and no extra spaces after the value or any of the curly brackets.

  GNU nano 4.8                                                                                             sql_reference.json                                                                                              Modified  
  "database": {
    "create": "CREATE DATABASE database_name;"

Your “sql_reference.json” file should have the correct properties and values
not passing this step. what’s wrong here?

Make sure at the end of file there’s only one blank line. nano seem to add one line automatically when writing to new file.

yes thanks sanity; I tried leaving no line at the end, and that helped.
thanks for the help.

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