Turn the image into a link by surrounding it with necessary element tags. Use https://freecatphotoapp.com as the anchor’s href attribute value.
This is what I wrote:
<img src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/curriculum/cat-photo-app/relaxing-cat.jpg" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back."> <a href="https://freecatphotoapp.com"</a>
This is the response:
You should only add one opening anchor (a) tag. Please remove any extras. Your img element should be nested within the anchor (a) element. The entire img element should be inside the opening and closing tags of the anchor (a) element.
What have I done wrong? I have been stuck on this line all day. Also, I am not sure what it means by “your img element”
I am very lost on how to go forward. Any help would be appreciated.
The test wants you to nest the img element inside the anchor tags.
The opening anchor tag should go before the img element and the closing anchor tag should go at the end of the image element.
I would reset the lesson and try again.
I am confused about what nesting the img element even means. Do i have to add <img after the href link? Im sorry, I’m not really following what it is trying to ask.
Goodevening please I’m a beginner how do i get started everything looks strange to me i don’t know where to start from please help me what’s the name of what I’m doing thanks if there’s a WhatsApp group i will love to be added