Submitting a Tribute Page for testing

I’ve built my tribute page at but I don’t understand how I am supposed to submit it for testing in Chrome!

Hello Don,
I saw your tribute page. I is a good work.

When you have made this page, you have diffrent option to see your work.
I f you click one change view, you should be able to see your page in a full screen mode (like a normal page).
And after you made your development, if it did not change, you will have to put the link, on the description of the exercice.

I hope I have understand your trouble.
Best regards

I finally got the test page to let me paste my code in and passed all ten requirements. Now I have to submit this page somewhere - “Once you’re done, submit the URL to your working project with all its tests passing.” – submit where???

I finally found the place to submit right above the green submit bar. I believe it said “Source”. Sounded strange to me. I guess if I am to learn coding I will have to get used to “strange”.