Tell us what’s happening:
Please ignore the console.log lines, I commented them out. I just use them for testing. What exactly am I doing wrong here? Is it off -by-one error, comparison operator , or something else? This happens when I try to use the global array reduce function too( in another exercise). I seem to not quite grasp looping as I think I do. For small edge cases (like numbers below 100), my code returns the desired value(s), but as the numbers get larger, somehow my code does not work.
Your code so far
function sumPrimes(num) {
for(let i = 2; i<=num ; i++){
if(i === 2 || i === 3 || i === 5 || i === 7 || (i % 2 !==0 && i % 3 !== 0 && i % 5 !== 0 && i % 7 !== 0 ) ){
sumPrimes += i;
// console.log(`${i}, sumPrimes is: ${sumPrimes} and num is: ${num}`);
//console.log(`${sumPrimes}, num is : ${num}`);
return sumPrimes;
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