Survey form: Build a survey form (making selectable dropdowns)

I hope the image will be visible… I’ve entered almost everything OK, It’s all correct (not pretty but functional)…
The only mistake the instructions are giving me so far: Your ‘#dropdown’ should have at least two selectable (not disabled) ‘option’ elements. I’m not sure what to do now, I’ve looked around the database but I can’t exactly zero on my problem :smiling_face_with_tear: :thinking:

Please post your code and not an image. Also, link to the challenge.

The option element does not accept input elements as its content. The browser is ejecting both the input and the text you have inside the option elements to outside the select element.

This code

<select id="pet-select">
  <option value="dog">
    <input type="text" id="name"> Dog

Ends up like this in the browser.

<select id="pet-select">
  <option value="dog">

<input type="text" id="name"> Dog

Thank you so much, I moved my input element up to form, then changed around some of the option values and it’s solved! I’m sorry, I tried to upload my code but it doen’t accept the text… So here’s a picture

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