newbie here and just testing out the forum after digging around for a while.
I have studying on and off for the last year but have often lost momentum and forgotten so many things.
But thanks to FCC, I’m really eager to nail the fundamentals.
I am stuck on the second project and would love some help.
I’m unsure which 12 of the 17 tests I’ve passed and would love any advise to move forward.
also, I would like to do some borders around each section, I would like to centre the images and texts, I would like to have different sizes for text (unsure if to do inline or style sheet).
If you are unsure about how to do these things i would really suggest you go back and re-read the CSS tutorials again, it shouldn’t be too hard. And, yes you should use a style sheet (well the css box on Codepen) not inline.
i know the frustrating feeling… but you will get there… for #10 (read the exercise, read the error, read your code):
For the name, email, and number input fields inside the form I can see corresponding labels that describe the purpose of each field with the following ids: id=“name-label”,id=“email-label”, and id=“number-label”.
#name-label is not defined : expected null to not equal null