Technical Documentation Project - Appreciate your feedback :)

I just finished my Technical Documentation project!:partying_face:
It has taken me longer than I expected :sweat_smile:… but I have learned and practiced a lot!

I created all the animation examples inspired by gifs, trying to reproduce similar effects but with HTML and CSS.

In this project I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone (neutral colors) to practice with bold colors.:sweat::grin:

I appreciate your feedback or suggestions for improvement.
Thank you!:heart:


Gran trabajo! Totalmente opuesto a tu landing page, colores muy llamativos pero parece que todo funciona. Tampoco son los míos así que ese amarillo para las etiquetas de código me asusta un poco :sweat_smile: Vaya que es un proyecto muy laborioso!

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Muchas gracias @ricardoantonio!
El tema de los colores es complejo e inevitablemente atravesado por la cuestión de los gustos personales :woman_shrugging:. Por ejemplo, yo al amarillo lo acepté enseguida, probablemente porque lo vi en otra página que me pareció muy buena. Pero con el violeta me costó más, probablemente porque lo elegí yo sin verlo en otro lado.

Sin embargo, los queridos colores neutrales suelen ser una apuesta más segura :relieved:… aunque a veces hay que arriesgar para superarse!:muscle::wink:

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Looks awesome .But that eye animation is creepy af :laughing:

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Thanks @RocktimSaikia!!

I achieved my goal then! :laughing::laughing:

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Ha ha :sweat_smile: Congrats then . You did it :tada:

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Well done you, it’s a great looking project and loving the way you comment your code too :clap:

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Yours looks great. The eyes are strange but I like it. Maybe I need to go back and spend more time on mine.

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Thanks for your feedback @MazontheMoon!:blush:
Especially the table of contents for the CSS code helps me a lot to better organize the code. Since I used it for the first time I have not stopped using it once!:heart:

Oh poor strange eyes!:pleading_face: … it seems that only I find them fun!! :grin:
Maybe I have a somewhat bizarre sense of humor :thinking::thinking::laughing:

Thank you very much for your feedback @JayHG13!!:heart: