Telephone Number Validator (About US phone number format)

Tell us what’s happening:

Your code so far

function telephoneCheck(str) {
  // Good luck!
  return true;


Link to the challenge:

I am doing this challenge right now, the thing I want to ask has nothing to do with logic or coding.
I am not from the US, could someone explain the US phone number format a little bit?

There are a few example that are given from the quest:

(555) 555-5555
555 555 5555
1 555 555 5555

So, my understanding is that there are a few requirements:

  1. 10 digit with numbers only
  2. if the user added 1 in front of the 10 digit it counts too.

So, the thing I need to get rid of from the user inputs are non-number letter. What about 2 555 555 5555, is this a valid number??

also parentheses, em dashesand and whitespaces must be positioned only as they are in examples.

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hmmm I see. I think I need to make some changes with my Regex.
Thanks for the tip.

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can I understand it in this way,

(555) 555-5555
555 555 5555
1 555 555 5555

only these formats are correct , as long as it is not listed above it is invalid number.