Tell us what’s happening:
Hello! I recently started this course. In first step, as you know, I have to enter “echo hello terminal” in terminal for next step. So, I entered this sentence and pressed enter. But I couldn’t go to the next step. I checked a lot of times and executed. However, there is an message “Test Runner Failed” for each execute.
I’ve search how can I fix it. I’ve tried all kind of reset such as …
- Soft reset in the green hamburger menu at the left top
- Pressing reset button next to the run button
- Reset tutorial in the code road setting
- Deleting user token in my free code camp setting
- Deleting cash in chrome setting
- Rebooting computer
- Restarting web browser
After doing some of things, suddenly, I was gone to the next level without passing “echo hello terminal”. And I can’t go back to the first level with above ways. Moreover, even though I entered “pwd” correctly in this level, I couldn’t pass with “Test Runner Failed” too.
I really want to learn this course. Please help me to fix my problem.
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Challenge: Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate - Build a Boilerplate
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