The best way to deploy and display web applications on the Internet

Hello, my friends,

I hope everyone is fine.

After completing projects at Freecodecamp, some apps at The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele and The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 by Rob Percival.

In fact, I have web applications on my own computer and other apps on codepen, and others.
Is there a way to collect and deploy all in one way?

On the other hand, I hope to review projects at Responsive Web Design Certification, and provide me with your comments and advice.

Build a Tribute Page:

Build a Survey Form:

Build a Product Landing Page:

Build a Technical Documentation Page:

Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage:

Best wishes,


Hello there.

Is there a way to collect and deploy all in one way?

The cheapest (free) way to do this is with GitHub Pages. I would do it in a portfolio-style deployment. So, seeing as most (if not all) your projects are single page web apps, you could have a multi-page portfolio, where each page focuses on a project.

Hope this helps

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Ditto what sky said. If you’re looking to branch into some back end server and/or database stuff as well, I’d recommend deploying via heroku. GitHub pages is stellar for front end apps, but it doesn’t support much else beyond that.

Thanks for your answer.

Can I display my apps with display links or just view them as files?
And another question: Do you recommend making all my web applications hosting and domain-specific for them?

Thanks for your answer

Initially, my applications are still in the front end.

I am not sure what you mean by “display links”

The idea is that you will have, at minimum, a file structure like this:

  • index.html
  • tribute.html
  • survey.html

Then, GitHub will host your files. You will be given a generic URL pointing to the index.html file and it’s content. In that file, you should have some links like this:

<a href="/tribute.html">Click me to go to my Tribute Page!</a>

When that is clicked on, it will direct the page to the respective HTML file, thereby displaying its content.

This is up to you. Some feel it looks more professional to have multiple, owned domains. Anything I have created, I have no need to do this.

Hope this helps

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