I guess the list structure would be like ul > li with anchor elements placed, it would be ul > li > a
And also try removing the header and replace it with heading tags like h1 to h6
Now Im getting this error: Each element with the class of “nav-link” should contain text that corresponds to the text within each (e.g. if you have a “Hello world” section/header, your navbar should have an element which contains the text “Hello world”).
The problem still persist after making changes to the code.
12. Each element with the class of "nav-link" should contain text that corresponds to the <header> text within each <section> (e.g. if you have a "Hello world" section/header, your navbar should have an element which contains the text "Hello world").
Your design may break a little, so adjust it after you make these changes,
nav should be inside <header></header> and give id=“header” to header, currently you have id as header-contents, so change it, and replace the id=“navbar” to nav-bar
You are almost there, it says the link should correspond to the header, i checked it, and found a typo there,
In your last nav-link, you have the text as Definitions but in you header element you have Definition
Now it’s passing 16/16, good luck.!
I gotta say that 100% of the times i get stuck, is because of “-” or similar.
Regarding this exercise i spent 40m to see that i wrote “navbar” instead of “nav-bar”.