toDo App with React

Hi, everyone

I just finished making a To-Do App In React and would love to get your thoughts on it.

What It Does:


  • Add and delete tasks.
  • Mark tasks as done.
  • Edit tasks.
  • Keeps your tasks saved using local storage.

What I Need Help With:


  • Code: Does it look clean, or is there something I could improve?
  • Best Practices: Am I on the right track with React/JavaScript/CSS?

Here’s the link:

Thanks so much for checking it out! Any feedback is super appreciated. :pray:

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Hi @calvin6taw

The light green colour for on focus todos seems too subtle. Maybe a thicker border and brighter background colour?

When a todo item is ticked, the pending tasks number is not amended.
Also, the switch to a dark background colour is drawing attention to the completed completed. Maybe new todos are dark coloured, and completed ones are lighter in colour?

The CLEAR ALL button automatically clears all todos, so there is not really a need to add a warning that all todos will be cleared. Maybe add a confirmation prompt before clearing all tasks?

How about adding completed tasks to a trash list, this way completed and incomplete todos are listed separately?

Happy coding

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Thanks for the feedback!

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