Translate current number money to words

I got a big problem solving this algorithm in PHP the idea is when :

  1. a user input is < 1000 (999) the output should be nine hundred and ninety-nine millimes
  2. when the user input is > 999 the output should be **one dinnar ** cause the dinnar is equal to 1000 millimes for example: if the input is 1,590 the output = one dinar and five hundred and ninety millimes another example if the input is 275,590 the output = two hundred and seventy-five dinars and five hundred and ninety millimes I write this code based on some article and I got a big error
<?php function numtowords($num){ 
$decones = array( 
            '01' => "One", 
            '02' => "Two", 
            '03' => "Three", 
            '04' => "Four", 
            '05' => "Five", 
            '06' => "Six", 
            '07' => "Seven", 
            '08' => "Eight", 
            '09' => "Nine", 
            10 => "Ten", 
            11 => "Eleven", 
            12 => "Twelve", 
            13 => "Thirteen", 
            14 => "Fourteen", 
            15 => "Fifteen", 
            16 => "Sixteen", 
            17 => "Seventeen", 
            18 => "Eighteen", 
            19 => "Nineteen" 
$ones = array( 
            0 => " ",
            1 => "One",     
            2 => "Two", 
            3 => "Three", 
            4 => "Four", 
            5 => "Five", 
            6 => "Six", 
            7 => "Seven", 
            8 => "Eight", 
            9 => "Nine", 
            10 => "Ten", 
            11 => "Eleven", 
            12 => "Twelve", 
            13 => "Thirteen", 
            14 => "Fourteen", 
            15 => "Fifteen", 
            16 => "Sixteen", 
            17 => "Seventeen", 
            18 => "Eighteen", 
            19 => "Nineteen" 
$tens = array( 
            0 => "",
            2 => "Twenty", 
            3 => "Thirty", 
            4 => "Forty", 
            5 => "Fifty", 
            6 => "Sixty", 
            7 => "Seventy", 
            8 => "Eighty", 
            9 => "Ninety" 
$hundreds = array( 
            ); //limit t quadrillion 
$num = number_format($num,2,".",","); 
$num_arr = explode(".",$num); 
$wholenum = $num_arr[0]; 
$decnum = $num_arr[1]; 
$whole_arr = array_reverse(explode(",",$wholenum)); 
$rettxt = ""; 
foreach($whole_arr as $key => $i){ 
    if($i < 20){ 
        $rettxt .= $ones[$i]; 
    elseif($i < 100){ 
        $rettxt .= $tens[substr($i,0,1)]; 
        $rettxt .= " ".$ones[substr($i,1,1)]; 
        $rettxt .= $ones[substr($i,0,1)]." ".$hundreds[0]; 
        $rettxt .= " ".$tens[substr($i,1,1)]; 
        $rettxt .= " ".$ones[substr($i,2,1)]; 
    if($key > 0){ 
        $rettxt .= " ".$hundreds[$key]." "; 

$rettxt = $rettxt." dinar/s";

if($decnum > 0){ 
    $rettxt .= " and "; 
    if($decnum < 20){ 
        $rettxt .= $decones[$decnum]; 
    elseif($decnum < 1000){ 
        $rettxt .= $tens[substr($decnum,0,1)]; 
        $rettxt .= " ".$ones[substr($decnum,1,1)]; 
    $rettxt = $rettxt." FRANK/s"; 
return $rettxt;} 

echo numtowords(275,590);


the output here is Two Hundred Seventy Five dinar/s instead of two hundred and seventy-five dinars and five hundred and ninety millimes
i need to solve this in php or javascript and thank you alot guys


It looks like you are trying to convert a number to words in English and add a currency denomination (dinars) to the end. There are a few issues with your code.

First, you have defined two arrays called $decones and $ones that have the same values. You can remove one of them to avoid duplication.

Second, you are using the krsort function to sort the $whole_arr array in reverse order, but this function sorts an associative array in reverse order by key, not by value. You should use the rsort function instead to sort the array in reverse order by value.

Finally, you have a condition at the end of your function that checks if $decnum is greater than 0 and converts the decimal part of the number to words. However, this condition will always be true because $decnum is always greater than 0 (it is the result of dividing the number by 100 and rounding down to two decimal places). You should remove this condition and the code that follows it, or modify it to only execute if $decnum is greater than 0 and less than 1000.

Here is an example of how you could modify your code to fix these issues and return the correct output:

function numtowords($num){ 
    $ones = array( 
                0 => "",
                1 => "One",     
                2 => "Two", 
                3 => "Three", 
                4 => "Four", 
                5 => "Five", 
                6 => "Six", 
                7 => "Seven", 
                8 => "Eight", 
                9 => "Nine", 
                10 => "Ten", 
                11 => "Eleven", 
                12 => "Twelve", 
                13 => "Thirteen", 
                14 => "Fourteen", 
                15 => "Fifteen", 
                16 => "Sixteen", 
                17 => "Seventeen", 
                18 => "Eighteen", 
                19 => "Nineteen" 
    $tens = array( 
                0 => "",
                2 => "Twenty", 
                3 => "Thirty", 
                4 => "Forty", 
                5 => "Fifty", 
                6 => "Sixty", 
                7 => "Seventy", 
                8 => "Eighty", 
                9 => "Ninety" 
    $hundreds = array( 
                ); //limit t quadrillion 
    $num = number_format($num,2,".",","); 
    $num_arr = explode(".",$num); 
    $wholenum = $num_arr[0]; 
    $decnum = $num_arr[1]; 
    $whole_arr = array_reverse(explode(",",$wholenum)); 
    $rettxt = ""; 
    foreach($whole_arr as $key => $i){ 
        if($i < 20){ 
            $rettxt .= $ones[$i]; 

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