Tribute page-Feedbacks

Hi everyone :slight_smile: this is my tribute page. Do look and feedbacks are welcome :smiley:

hello! :slightly_smiling_face:
I am about to start my tribute page, but i am kinda lost.
Uuhm… would you be kind to tell me where shall i code my tribute page?
Thank you in advance :wave:

go to curriculum under responsive projects click tribute page

Looks good.! I shall suggest you some things, if it seems okay to you, take it else let it go,

I usually follow a font-size of 16px which is 1rem to contents and more than that for headers
In mobile use some padding of 10px min to the contents so that they won’t stick to the borders

In your layout the footer with grey bg misbehaves in mobile view, rest looks good, keep developing yourself… cheers.! :wink: