I know I am one of those beginners without any prior experience in computer science. I am just trying to see what it is I am not getting right in this code I have written. I am grateful for your help.
We have an array of objects representing different people in our contacts lists.
A lookUpProfile
function that takes name
and a property ( prop
) as arguments has been pre-written for you.
The function should check if name
is an actual contact’s firstName
and the given property ( prop
) is a property of that contact.
If both are true, then return the “value” of that property.
If name
does not correspond to any contacts then return the string No such contact
If prop
does not correspond to any valid properties of a contact found to match name
then return the string No such property
// Setup
var contacts = [
"firstName": "Akira",
"lastName": "Laine",
"number": "0543236543",
"likes": ["Pizza", "Coding", "Brownie Points"]
"firstName": "Harry",
"lastName": "Potter",
"number": "0994372684",
"likes": ["Hogwarts", "Magic", "Hagrid"]
"firstName": "Sherlock",
"lastName": "Holmes",
"number": "0487345643",
"likes": ["Intriguing Cases", "Violin"]
"firstName": "Kristian",
"lastName": "Vos",
"number": "unknown",
"likes": ["JavaScript", "Gaming", "Foxes"]
function lookUpProfile(name, prop) {
// Only change code below this line
// My code so far
for( let i=0; i < contacts.length; i++){
if((name===contacts.firstName) {
if (contacts.hasOwnProperty(prop))){
return contacts[i][prop];
} else {
return "No such property";
} return "No such contact";
// Only change code above this line
lookUpProfile("Akira", "likes");
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Challenge: Profile Lookup
Link to the challenge: