Use Conditional Logic with If Statements problem

this is my code.why it is not running?please help me out

Your code so far

// Example
function ourTrueOrFalse(isItTrue) {
  if (isItTrue) { 
    return "Yes, it's true";
  return "No, it's false";

// Setup
function trueOrFalse(wasThatTrue) {
    return "Yes,that was true";
    return "No,that was false";

  // Only change code below this line.
  // Only change code above this line.


// Change this value to test


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perhaps you need to follow the instruction

  // Only change code below this line.
  // Only change code above this line.

also, mind the strings. am not sure but it might be space sensitive

"Yes, that was true"
"No, that was false"

thanks,the problem was occuring due to spacing.