Use Relational Database Courses without GitPod?


I’m in the middle of doing the relational database course and unfortunately I’m essentially out of GitPod credits (and I keep having to restart because I forget to dump the file). Recently I completed the Celestial Bodies Database project, but, you guessed it, I didn’t remember to do the sql data dump so I don’t get the check mark. I want to finish it, but I can’t due to the credits. Also I didn’t use it for 50 hours and yet I have no more remaining. So I’m not a fan.

I have tried to figure out how to just run the tutorial through VSCode alone without GitPod using the CodeRoad extension and I can’t get it to run. I have googled excessively, but no luck. Is there a tutorial I can follow anywhere? It seems others have done it, but I just can’t get it to work. I wish there was an option to bypass GitPod entirely and easily as it really hinders the ability to actually learn the material if you run out of credits.

Thank you so much!

if you don’t shut off the workspace it stays active for some more time after you close the page, that also counts against your credits

this is the guide:


I have attempted to set things up from the Docker tutorial you sent me. It seems that the project will not load in CodeRoad still. It just stays on ‘Loading Tutorial Summary’ and never goes beyond that once I put the link in. Any advice on why that might be?

Thank you!

Okay, I was able to get around that by just downloading the zip file and inserting the file that way instead of going through the URL look up.

However, I just completed another course through this method and it seems to not update my freecodecamp account to say I completed it. Is there a way to make sure that it does in fact get checked off on freecodecamp?

Thank you!

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if you do it locally there is not (yet) a way to sync with the freeCodeCamp account


Thanks for letting me know. That’s a real bummer and I really hope that gets added as a function soon (or soonish) as it would really be helpful if GitPod is not an option for users.

Thanks :slight_smile:

check next week, if the relational database is in the release there should be also the method for developing locally and have progress counted, or it will be added in the next few weeks

Good day. Regarding this post, I just wanted to find out before I start packing up my work to my VS Code editor, is there a way now to sync a non Gitpod environment with ones freeCodeCamp account?

this section of the Full Stack curriculum is not yet released

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I also have the same issue. just upgrade your plan on Gitpod. it costs $1 for 1000 credits. it’s fine.