Using Responsive Menu demo works, mine doesn't

I am trying to duplicate the responsive navigation bar. If I use the demo, it works like it should. I first attempted to just merge the JS and CSS into an existing css file. That failed. I have now attempted to just use just the demo CSS file, and I have the same problem. The error / problem is when I click on a dropdown, the dropdown “flashes” then goes away. Same thing happens when I shrink the screen enough to produce the hamburger, clicking in the hamburger causes the menu to popup, then it disappears. I’ve run in circles for a few days now. IF in the web-developer tools (Firefox), I cause the menu to be none graphic (listed down the page), it appears that everything shows up.

Hello, what is a responsive menu demo, can you link this info to be tested?
Also your html and/or sorce code may help.

The demo is from the freecodecamp site – How to Build a Responsive Navigation Bar with a Dropdown Menu using JavaScript
How do I attache a ton of code?

You should be able to just paste your code in between triple backtick characters, like so

// your code goes here

It should automatically truncate long code blocks with a scroll bar

I tried to post the HTML/JS/CSS and I could not get past your online community standards. First was hrefs pointing to my site and then when I stripped everything down to just the HTML with the hrefs dummied up, it gave me another error about more than two links.

type or paste code here

If you use </> it automatically gives you a place to paste you code. This is on the top of the forum editor just give it a click.

/*  Program: SOLEEntryHeader-Menu.html
 *  Description:  Sets up the Header and Menu for 
 *                the Simple Online Entry Web Site
//  Determine which Menu Items should show - Only Competitor Page starts with YES
//  Changed to show all menu items regardless
	$NumberOfEntries = checkForEntries($_SESSION['CompetitorID']);
   $_SESSION['DisplayMenuEntry'] = 'Y';
   $_SESSION['DisplayMenuAdditionalID'] = 'Y';
   $_SESSION['DisplayMenuFee'] = 'Y';
//  Only display this button if needed				 
	if ($_SESSION['EventDetails'] == 'Y')
      $_SESSION['DisplayMenuDetail'] = 'Y';
      $_SESSION['DisplayMenuDetail'] = 'N';
	$_SESSION['DisplayMenuComment'] = 'Y';
   $_SESSION['DisplayMenuReviewEntry'] = 'Y';                  
	$_SESSION['DisplayMenuSignature'] = 'Y';
	$_SESSION['DisplayMenuUpload'] = 'Y';
   $_SESSION['DisplayMenuSubmit'] = 'Y'; 
	<div id="main" style='margin: 0; padding-top: 0;'>  <!-- end div in SOLEFooter -->
<!--      <div id="header" class="header" style='padding-top: 0;'> -->
      <div id="heading" style='padding-top: 0;'>
         <img src='<?php echo $_SESSION['Logo']; ?>' class='pure-img-logo'
               style='float: left; margin: 0; padding-top: 0;'> <!-- pure-img-headerlogo -->
         <h2><?php echo $_SESSION['EventTitle'] ?></h2>
         <h2><?php echo $_SESSION['EventDate'] ?></h2>
         <h2><?php echo "Your Best Rides Start Here" ?></h2>
      </div> <!-- End of heading -->
//  Start Menu
      echo "<header id='nav-menu' aria-label='navigation bar'>";
      echo "<div class='container'>";
      echo "<div class='nav-start'>";
      echo "<nav class='menu'>";
      echo "<ul class='menu-bar'>";
//  Competitors Page
      if ($_SESSION["DisplayMenuCompetitor"] === 'Y')
         echo "<li><a class='nav-link' href=''>COMPETITOR</a></li>";          
//  Entries Page
      if ($_SESSION["DisplayMenuEntry"] === 'Y')
         echo "<li>
               <button class='nav-link dropdown-btn' 
                       RIDE ENTRIES &#9660                
         echo "<div id='dropdown1' class='dropdown'>
               <ul role='menu'>";
//  mySQL weekday values differ from PHP weekday values.  Since we are hard coding here, we are making the adjustment here
         if (!empty($_SESSION['MondayRideDate']))
            $NumberOfEntries = checkForRideEntries(1);
            echo "<li role='menuitem'><a class='dropdown-link'
                      href=''>MONDAY RIDE ENTRIES($NumberOfEntries)</a>
         if (!empty($_SESSION['TuesdayRideDate']))
            $NumberOfEntries = checkForRideEntries(2);
            echo "<li role='menuitem'><a class='dropdown-link'         
                      href=''>TUESDAY RIDE ENTRIES($NumberOfEntries)</a>
         if (!empty($_SESSION['WednesdayRideDate']))
            $NumberOfEntries = checkForRideEntries(3);               
            echo "<li role='menuitem'><a class='dropdown-link'
                      href=''>WEDNESDAY RIDE ENTRIES($NumberOfEntries)</a>
         if (!empty($_SESSION['ThursdayRideDate']))
            $NumberOfEntries = checkForRideEntries(4);               
            echo "<li role='menuitem'><a class='dropdown-link'
                      href=''>THURSDAY RIDE ENTRIES($NumberOfEntries)</a>
         if (!empty($_SESSION['FridayRideDate']))
            $NumberOfEntries = checkForRideEntries(5);              
            echo "<li role='menuitem'><a class='dropdown-link'
                      href=''>FRIDAY RIDE ENTRIES($NumberOfEntries)</a>
         if (!empty($_SESSION['SaturdayRideDate']))
            $NumberOfEntries = checkForRideEntries(6);               
            echo "<li role='menuitem'><a class='dropdown-link'
                      href=''>SATURDAY RIDE ENTRIES($NumberOfEntries)</a>
         if (!empty($_SESSION['SundayRideDate']))
            $NumberOfEntries = checkForRideEntries(0);               
            echo "<li role='menuitem'><a class='dropdown-link'
                      href=''>SUNDAY RIDE ENTRIES($NumberOfEntries)</a>
         echo "</ul>";  // end of button ul       
         echo "</div>"; // end of dropdown1 div   
         echo "</li>";  // end of button li
//  Fees Page
	   if ($_SESSION["DisplayMenuFee"] === 'Y')
         echo "<li><a class='nav-link'  href=''>FEES</a></li>";   
//  Additional ID Page
	   if ($_SESSION["DisplayMenuAdditionalID"] === 'Y')
         echo "<li><a class='nav-link' href=''>ADDITIONAL IDs</a></li>";            
//  Details Page			
      if ($_SESSION["DisplayMenuDetail"] === 'Y')
         echo "<li><a class='nav-link' href=''>ADDITIONAL INFO</a></li>";
//  Comments Page			
		if ($_SESSION["DisplayMenuComment"] === 'Y')
         echo "<li><a class='nav-link' href=''>COMMENTS</a></li>";
//  Upload Document Page			
		if ($_SESSION["DisplayMenuUpload"] === 'Y')
         echo "<li><a class='nav-link' href=''>UPLOAD DOCUMENTS</a></li>";
//  Signatures Page			
		if ($_SESSION["DisplayMenuSignature"] === 'Y')
         echo "<li><a class='nav-link' href=''>WAIVER SIGNATURES</a></li>";            
//  Review Entry Page			
		if ($_SESSION["DisplayMenuReviewEntry"] === 'Y')
         echo "<li><a class='nav-link' href=''>REVIEW ENTRY</a></li>";            
//  Submit Page			
      if ($_SESSION["DisplayMenuSubmit"] === 'Y')
         echo "<li><a class='nav-link' href=''>SUBMIT ENTRY</a></li>";
//  Start NEW Competitor
      echo "<li><a class='nav-link' href=''>START NEXT COMPETITOR</a></li>"; 
	   echo "</ul>";   // end of menubar
      echo "</nav>";  // end of menunav
      echo "</div>"; // end of nav-start
      echo "<div class='nav-end'>";
      echo "<button
          <img src='' />
      echo "</div>";  // end of navend
      echo "</div>"; // end of container
      echo "</header>"; // end of header 
         <div id="content"  class="content"> <!-- end div in SOLEFooter -->
            <div id = 'all'> <!-- end div in SOLEFooter.php -->
               <div id = 'center'> <!-- end div in the step 4/5 section -->
                  <p id="startP">
                     if ((!empty($CompetitorFirstName)) && (!empty($CompetitorFirstName)))
			 	            $_SESSION['CompetitorFirstName'] = $CompetitorFirstName;
                        $_SESSION['CompetitorLastName'] = $CompetitorLastName;
                        echo "<h3>Competitor Event Information for $CompetitorFirstName $CompetitorLastName </h3>";
					         echo "<h3>Starting new entry</h3>";

That is the HTML that does not work. I figure I have a missing comma, or < or /. But after 5 days of looking I cannot find it. Now, if I use the web developer tools in Firefox and using the style editor, I toggle style sheet visibility, the menu “shows” and behaves correctly.

I checked for errors on code pen, one issue there seems to be all the comments.
<!-- what is this for --> I would remove them all.

This part of you code is showing errors but without links to other files it could be nothing.
Good luck


   $NumberOfEntries = checkForEntries($_SESSION['CompetitorID']);
  $_SESSION['DisplayMenuEntry'] = 'Y';
  $_SESSION['DisplayMenuAdditionalID'] = 'Y';
  $_SESSION['DisplayMenuFee'] = 'Y';
   if ($_SESSION['EventDetails'] == 'Y')
     $_SESSION['DisplayMenuDetail'] = 'Y';
     $_SESSION['DisplayMenuDetail'] = 'N';
   $_SESSION['DisplayMenuComment'] = 'Y';
  $_SESSION['DisplayMenuReviewEntry'] = 'Y';                  
   $_SESSION['DisplayMenuSignature'] = 'Y';
   $_SESSION['DisplayMenuUpload'] = 'Y';
  $_SESSION['DisplayMenuSubmit'] = 'Y'; 
   <div id="main" style='margin: 0; padding-top: 0;'>  
     <div id="heading" style='padding-top: 0;'>

Note: at least one of the lines of code is commented, I tried to post it as is but nothing came back <!--before/after--> is this part of pythons syntax?

The problem had to do with the location of the statement. I have no idea of what the problem actually was (what “rule” I broke), but by moving the menu HTML next to the made a difference.

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