Var declaration return undefined in function scope

In the code below the first log statement returns undefined. I thought it should reference the global variable and print it.
It prints T-shirt once the var is removed in the next line (if we are overwriting the global variable)
Why would a variable declaration change the value of the variable value before it
Your code so far

// Setup
var outerWear = "T-Shirt";

function myOutfit() {
// Only change code below this line
var outerWear = "sweater"

// Only change code above this line
return outerWear;

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Challenge: Global vs. Local Scope in Functions

Link to the challenge:

Behind the scenes this is what is happening. It is called hoisting and var is function scoped.

function myOutfit() {
   var outerWear
   // Only change code below this line
   outerWear = "sweater"

   // Only change code above this line
   return outerWear;

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