Weather App - looking for FB

Hey there

I’m looking for your feedback once again.
Please find my weather app here:

This was by far the most time-intensive fcc-project until now. But after a hella a lot of googling I managed to get it somehow near my expectations. I guess I learnt quite a lot from this project.

To begin with, I had some problems with the weather API (I used the OpenWeatherMap API instead of the one from fcc).

A big personal objective was to get the site mobile responsive since my other projects aren’t so far. I’m quite happy with the result, although the site doesn’t behave as I’d wish on small devices e.g. tablets (the weather icons get squeezed from 576px-1140px screen width). But still, it works fine on my desktop and mobile. So open for any feedback on this particular topic.

So feel free to check it out! :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.

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