Web Dev , add a data base of Temperature

Hello Guys , So I’m new and want to learn Web Dev and so far got Html/CSS and starting with Javascript and after that MERN , so I have a question if someone can Help :

In this project I need the value of T (Temperature )

So I want to create a data base with 24 colums ( 24 hours of the days ) and 365 rows ( 365 days) with the value of the temperature for each hour and days for somes cities , so If I select “City X” it gives the T of “City X” of 2023.

After that I have a fonction : F(T) = cte . T , so I want to multiply this table Of T with the value Of "cte " to have a new Table “2” , and after I get this new table “2”, I want to have like a graphe with all value of table “2” ( I can do the average value of F(T) per day)

Thanks for reading and thanks for the help :slight_smile:

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Hey ilenia ,

Thank you for the answer , I’m gonna come back when I start this part of the code , just wanted to know if its the right path to go on it or if there is a better way