Web3 video game marketplace blockchain

As I was starting my web3 video game marketplace blockchain I followed every setup step but after clicking on freecodecamp run course I’m getting " Error 4XX - 5XX

Client has disconnected from local server" error Please do help

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Welcome there,

Would you mind sharing the output of running the following in your workspace root:

node tooling/camper-info.js

Hi, I have the same issue
My output is the following;

:large_blue_circle: INFO: Project: null
:large_blue_circle: INFO: Lesson Number: 1
:large_blue_circle: INFO: Curriculum Version: 0.1.2
:large_blue_circle: INFO: freeCodeCamp - Courses: freeCodeCamp.freecodecamp-courses@1.7.1
:large_blue_circle: INFO: Commit: 9fc065d fix(0.1.2): courses-vscode-extension to 1.7.1 (#73)

:large_blue_circle: INFO: OS Info:
Architecture: arm64
Platform: linux
Release: 5.10.104-linuxkit
Type: Linux

I hope someone helps me, thanks

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