Weird Issue with JS calculator

Hi everyone,

I started working on the JS calculator today and I am running into a weird issue.

you can find the codepen here:

I am currently attempting to to console.log the correct answers before displaying results to the screen.

My current issue is regarding this section.

// display numbers (first number)
  var $buttonValue = $(this).text();
  totalString1 = totalString1 + $buttonValue;
  return totalString1;

// apply operator
  if($(this).text() === '+'){

// display numbers (second number)
  console.log('2nd function');
  var $buttonValue = $(this).text();
  totalString2 = totalString2 + $buttonValue;
  return totalString2;

My logic is that after you create the first string and click on ‘+’. It will remove the number class. and add the number2 class. So the next time you click a number we will start creating the second string.

However, even after removing the number class. When I click a number it still fires the first function. Am I missing something really obvious?

Any help/advice would be much appreciated

Yeah, I managed to work around the above issue by using the following:

// display numbers (first number)
  var $buttonValue = $(this).text();
    totalString1 = totalString1 + $buttonValue;
    console.log('string1', totalString1);
    return totalString1;
  } else if($('.btn').hasClass('number2')){
    totalString2 = totalString2 + $buttonValue;
    console.log('string2', totalString2);
    return totalString2;

This ensured the second function would fire after clicking an operator button. I’m still not sure why the original code didn’t work

Fair enough. Thanks anyway!