I started my journey in web development 3 months ago. I’m about to finish the Basic Algorithm Scripting and I’m looking forward to keep working towards the Front-End certificate. I created one website on Wordpress for a friend and I am not sure how to build my career as a web developer from here (my main goal is to work for NGO’s and Non-Profit organizations).
I started to think of going to a Bootcamp because I feel like I am not progressing fast enough and I feel like I need the community and intense work of a Bootcamp to help my studies and experience.
Do you have any thoughts about Bootcamps in general and Hack Reactor’s Bootcamp specifically (which is the one that I was thinking about, because of the scholarship that they offer because I don’t have the budget to pay for it myself…)
Any thoughts/reviews/ideas/suggestions would be very much appreciated!
Hi @veredrec, I have experience with Hack Reactor so I might be able to help.
Are you from the US? Also is the scholarship new?
Hi @tropicalchancer!
I would love to hear about your experience! Yes, I live in the US, and I’m not sure about the scholarship but you can find some information about it here: http://www.hackreactor.com/scholarships
Do you recommend a Bootcamp in general? Do you think that there are better ways to study? I feel like it might be too intense but at the same time, I guess that’s what makes it different…
I’ll send you a DM with more info.
Hi @tropicalchancer ! I’m currently about to enroll in Bloc, mainly because of the flexibility. However, people are saying that to without some sort of collaboration to simulate a real world working environment on a team - Bloc’s value will be significantly lowered.
I’m dropping out of college to attend Bloc, but I’m still applying to in person bootcamps. Would it be possible to talk with you or have you answer a few questions about HackReactor and your experiences? I’m currently brushing up on some basic JavaScript before I apply.
Thank you,
Absolutely. Shoot me Direct Message and we can chat about it there or Skype! I remember how overwhelming it was to apply so I don’t mind at all.