Hey everyone.
I figured I’d ask on the FCC forum for some advice. I’m with a paid bootcamp and have been for over a year now. I’m nearing the end of my completion date and I’m behind due to work schedule and the pandemic nature of last year.
I’m like 80+% done but once I’m through this course, I’ll need to start building & learning languages from the get go again due to the amount of time since I learned & coded in JS. If I had to draw a straight line between my goal of getting a JNR DEV job by August 2021, completing this course isn’t the quickest way there. Instead it would be to drop it and use these next 7/8 months to fine tune my skills in JS.
I won’t stop coding, I’m pretty driven to keep coding because I enjoy building things(not to mention the god complex from the act of creation hahahaha)
I’m hoping someone can offer me some clarity on this and offer some friendly advice on what I should do.
Thank you