On a website that is based on a CMS engine, and is using a plugin for WhatsApp click to chat link i noticed the page title and URL included in the pre-filled message, which is very useful if you want to know from what website the request is coming:
If necessary i can provide the type of CMS and WhatsApp plugin page.
On the official WhatsApp faq page (https://faq.whatsapp.com/en/android/26000030/) i could not see any mention about this feature, so i was wondering if anyone know how this can be done? Because i have looked all over but could not fine a complete list of variable that could be used in the generated link.
To create your own link with a pre-filled message that will automatically appear in the text field of a chat, use https://wa.me/whatsappphonenumber/?text=urlencodedtext where whatsappphonenumber is a full phone number in international format and URL-encodedtext is the URL-encoded pre-filled message.
Thanks for reply, i know perfectly how to create a link according to WhatsApp faq page.
My question is (if you carefully read the question ) about the possibility to include the source page title and URL in the prefilled message. That information is not present on the WhatsApp faq page. But i have seen people doing that via a plugin for a CMS, as on screenshot.
Oh, i see, i did not mention that the source page title and URL should be automatically parsed by the script, not manually inserted, this way the general message will be the same, while the source page title and URL will be always different, depending on what page is the script rendered.