Where to find information source about new technologies or frameworks to keep updated with the current trend?

tl;dr: I need specific information sources such subreddits, discord, twitters, blog posts, websites like hacker news. So that I can keep updated with the new emerging technologies.
I came upon a fireship video. Specifically about the part where he talks about the web3 standard. I had never heard before the “web3”. I had no idea like it was thing. I usually see hackernews and talk with my friends for any trending things but, the web3 didn’t even catch my eye.
Upon searching I found out the web3 is thing in recent years. It was founded as far back 2014. I can’t believe I was in the dark for like 6 years. Similar trend such as NFTs blew my mind and I astonished that I didn’t even it.
I am getting strong sense of FOMO. Especially I’ve been not contact with my friends partially due to my deteriorating mental health and the lockdown.
Lot of people have like made good amount of money harnessing these technologies. I really don’t want miss out again with what happened with Bitcoin and other similar cryptos.
It doesn’t have to be only crypto related. It can be any javascript or html frameworks, any software or hardware, any upcoming tech related information.

There isn’t any particular source to track evolving web technologies. There’s also way to much happening at any given time for most people to stay up to date on everything. You sort of have to decide which things are worth your time and attention. Lots of new things fizzle out. A few catch on. Even people who make a huge part of their job anticipating technology trends are often wrong.

I’m not like betting on technologies. but like atleast getting to know “wow this cool thing I didn’t know now exists” or like “this important thing in tech industry is happening” basically like news for tech. I thought hacker-news(ycombinator news) was like the thing I wanted until I started to stumble random videos like that fireship video where he talked about web3.
This is not like an isolated incident. I didn’t know oh-my-zsh existed until my friend told me. I didn’t know about existence of elixir-lang until I saw random recommended video.

Main issue is: For me it feels like solely relying on Hackernews for tech news is not enough. I need some additional sources for obtaining information

Honestly I learn about most of the new things from various programming communities. Someone will mention “Hey I just heard about Remix check this out” and provide a link to read more about that technology.

Does that keep me on top of everything ever? No, and I’m pretty sure that’s impossible. But I like to think it helps me stay somewhat in the loop for whatever is the next best thing™.


can you recommend the communities so that I can follow them?

Aside from this forum, I’m also in the freeCodeCamp Discord server.

I can’t recommend other communities as that would fall under our advertisement rules. :slightly_smiling_face:


I personally use a feed aggregator (specifically feedly) that aggregates multiple feeds into one place, and can sort them by popularity. It can also provide some recommendations of “related sources” that you can keep track of. It has a free tier that can get you going with a number of feeds (I think like 100?) to get an idea of how it works.

Its one of those technologies that can give you an idea of whats going on, but it isn’t foolproof. You still have to start tracking your sources, and then be able to sort out whats important and what is just noise. The software will do a bit of that by ranking by popularity, but it isn’t perfect.

The other issue is the noise to value ratio, where there will easily be 5000+ stories about the same thing, say React, and only 1 or 2 on a specific niche technology. This has nothing to do with feedly, and more just how things are in relation to “what’s popular” and what sort of sources you follow.

To “get ahead” usually means finding obscure topics before it becomes popular, except there are plenty of things that are obscure that never become popular. So you have to somehow know what the future holds, or at least make a judgement for yourself after you find obscure stuff from obscure sources.

There’s also topics you might not ever care about no matter how popular it is, something like Dart or Flutter might sound like cool languages, but only appeal to niche markets doing specific things that you might not ever get into, and thus not want to spend time on.

What’s interesting about Crypto is it became popular for no other reason than it became popular. Even the technology used for cryptocurrencies isn’t revolutionary or new, blockchain was theorized back in the 90s, Bitcoin itself was invented nearly a decade before really taking off, but was used (and still is) being used for black market activity since its inception as a “niche market”.

The same can be said for a number of other technologies, except most of these technologies can’t make someone a millionaire by finding an old hard drive with some software on it overnight. Suddenly if you can hype up more people to get into buying up demand for the same currency you have, you become richer by doing nothing but making it more popular. Its rather similar to a pyramid scheme, except encased in fancy technology mumbo-jumbo. Just like a pyramid scheme you can make butt-loads of money, but most of what is talked about will be just noise to get you to join the pyramid.

Similarly, “the cloud” has been a hot topic for decades now, but doesn’t offer direct benefit of getting richer quickly unless your a billion dollar company investing billions into its development (AWS, Google, MS). Its a useful technology for a number of people and uses-cases, but since you can’t get rich off of it, its no where near as “cool” or talked about as much as something like Crypto.

Will web3 be a big success? Maybe, maybe not. Now you know about it, you can keep track of its progress more accurately.

Now what about the “next big thing”? Odds are you will have time before it actually becomes big and will hear about it. The most important factor is having a wide range of sources, rather than just a few. Its too easy to end up listening “to a specific channel” of topics, IE crypto, and crypto related topics. You’d want to focus on multiple viewpoints, as its incredible easy to find information, but harder to find wisdom. Odds are a source talking about cyrpto wont tell you “crypto is all hype and waste of time”, but a traditional investment journal might, where as a scientific one might say something different. Same topic, different message.

Its easy to find out about web3, but its hard to know if its actually worth looking into, or if it actually will be the future. You can make your own judgements, or find alternate viewpoints on the subject to help get a better picture on the subject.

Ultimately there is infinite things out there to learn, to get an idea of whats out there just start learning and digging deeper, and reading for multiple angles/sources and sort out what you find interesting or important to you right now.

One good one I can throw out there is: FreeCodeCamp news: freeCodeCamp Programming Tutorials: Python, JavaScript, Git & More

The other tip is most online companies/technologies have multiple blogs about them. Taking the cloud as an example, each of the major cloud providers have their own blog(s) on their technologies:

Your welcome to find individual blogs, but ones run by organizations usually provide more reliable updates.

Again, using a tool like a feed aggregator can let you find more related topics and keep track of them so your not manually reading 10k+ sources daily

Good luck, keep learning, keep building :+1:


I wanted to come back and address this one more point.

I highly suggest taking part in positive online discussions of some form (like this one!) related to something you find enjoyable. Best not to sit in a mental bubble if you can.


Very nice and

I think the main reason the whole crypto thing kickstarted because of the message that the cryptocurrency is not controlled by large institutions. The cryptocurrency thing started to pick up the hype during the financial collapse in 2008. Many people had grown a strong resentment against the banks at that time.

I know its like a pyramid scheme. But, (A very controversial and probably dumb take) the thing is standard national currency is also lot similar to a pyramid scheme. The money is printed by the government which is the top level which is given to the banks(mid level) and people borrowing it and putting it back as the bottom level. Arguably its a lot more stable than crypto and obfuscated after reading my take, you 'd probably think I’m some kind of a dumbass.
Eventhough its a pyramid scheme, and even worse the security of these crypto currency could be cracked by the quantum supercomputers which is eventually come in the near future. The point is somehow to make good enough money in a short span of time and then invest in a more stable areas such as like purchasing lands, gold, etc. Atleast, I can havegood lifeboat incase any main hustle fails.
For me that goal is also too far fetched. Rightnow is what I need is a good counselling and put my life back on track.
Anyway, moving on. Thanks for the advice and all the links and recommendations.

The current primary crypto landscape is centralized within exchanges, which are essentially banks. For example, there have been multiple cases where crypto exchanges have been hacked, and the actual currency stolen. This is no different than an actual physical bank, except its vastly more vulnerable as anything on the internet is more accessible than anything physical. Even if you don’t use an exchange, you could easily corrupt your hard-drive, lose it, or simply forget your password and see all your funds essentially get deleted. Further, due to the nature of the system you can easily give up all your funds directly into the hands of criminals via phishing schemes, or similar and then have no system to help you.

There are some peer-to-peer versions, but like any peer-to-peer solution, there are pros and cons. A prime example would be existing peer-to-peer technologies such as torrents. Not only has there been a giant legal crackdown on illegal torrents sharing software/music/data, its hard to find anything of importance’s when things are decentralized.

The idea of a decentralized network is not new, nor is it novel, and any decentralized network will have the same problems as any other, regardless of the technology under need hood. Simply put if things are fragmented, its hard to “sell” at a wide scale.

The idea of taking on large amounts of debt to fund existing activity is not a pyramid scheme, it is its own problem, but there is a key difference.

The difference is what value you get out of the system from investments. If you fund a government, they will do “government stuff”, it could be something as simple as building roads, paying for military, supporting critical infrastructure, etc etc. However it is also true you could invest into a government that is 100% corrupt, and that money will directly funnel into some evil person’s pockets. This scenario obviously is bad, however, the reality is there is usually a gradient between the two extremes. Ultimately, there could be a wide range of things you enjoy that you directly invested into.

Now if you fund a pyramid scheme, you don’t get anything except a slice of the scheme. The more people that invest into this scheme below/after you then increase the wealth of those at the top through their buy-in fees to be part of the scheme. There is no product, service, or value beyond the scheme itself.

Another apt real-world comparison are multi-level marketing companies, which are very similar to pyramid schemes, in that most of the wealth gains are isolated at the top, and there is buy-in for new members who then provide more wealth to the members “above” them. However, pyramids schemes are usually illegal on the basis there is no product, where-as multi-level marketing companies are legal because there is an actual product(s). It could be some lotion, cookware, or something else your friend is telling you is a great opportunity to join, you just need to buy a 200$ kit to get started selling their products.

Both pyramid schemes and multi-level marketing works on the idea of gathering as many people to invest into a questionable product (or no product), along with the underlying scheme.

In the case of cryptocurrencies, you invest into a currency hoping others do the same, thus increasing the speculative future cost and increasing everyone who has invested to do the same. However, just like the previous pyramid scheme, there is no product, or value beyond the currency itself, which may or may-not be worth anything to those willing to buy back into the scheme.

I personally believe the single safest investment you can invest in at any point in life is investing your time and effort into yourself. This means investing into learning things of value for now and in the future, along with enjoying the journey. Every investment has risks, but its your own self that you always can carry. No one can take it away from you, no natural disaster can come and wash it away, and ultimately if something bad happens to you, well then I guess you don’t have to worry about your failed investment anymore haha.

So this goes back to the original idea of the thread. Go out and learn something of value, spend your time learning it so you can then take that time and effort with you later to do bigger and better things.

It isn’t fast, it isn’t sexy, it isn’t cool like crypto, it isn’t something you show off, it probably wont make you monetarily rich overnight, but it can be a worthwhile endeavor beyond any other type of investment. If you can enjoy the journey while reaping the rewards later, it really is like having your cake and eating it too!


Just got an article provided from packetstorm, from vice in my feed about a 100+ million dollar hack against a web3 company. Seems really relevant, but I’m not sure about how reliable vice is as a source in regards to cybersecurity topics. Not saying it didn’t happen, but it might not have all the best details a dedicated cybersecurity, or even crypto-focused source would hav.e

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Yeah, you can’t just find one source of information on technology lol. The best you can get here is some super-surface level with all sorts of misinformation like the Joe Rogan podcast or something. Just look for something that people prefer to in discussions on specific topics, you’ve mentioned NFT, here’s a website on top NFT marketplaces , for instance. For codding or science knowledge use git-hub and add some purely academic websites to your RSS feed.

First off, you will always miss out on something.
Yeah if you invested in Bitcoin or Apple, you might be rich like Forrest Gump. Or maybe you’d be a poor pleb because you accidentally choose the 95-99% of investments possibilities that don’t “blow up” in value but “blow up” to hot air.

Crypto still is and will always be a gimmick for people with to much expendable income or some weird gambling fetish. No sane government within a globalized economy would want a currency it cannot control.

Now for frameworks, no idea what you expect. There are dozens, they are constantly changing and evolving and you can make a career out of knowing just a single one.
Like, there are full-time wordpress developers. Yeah you could learn Vue.js or MongoDB or whatnot - but what’s the point? You cannot learn all and it’s highly unlikely any of them will disappear because to many people rely on it.

It’s nice to know the basics of how they work, but if you go to webdevelopment, you’ll learn whatever framework your company uses. Or you’ll google the most popular once and pick one of the top3 for freelancing.

But to reiterate - you will always miss something.
Although the web3.0, doesn’t that refer to the “internet of things”?

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