Why are solutions not given?

i think it’s great that something like this exists to help people learn.
but im truly curious why the solutions to the lessons are not given when someone is stuck. why is there a need to google the problem, to find someone else who also got stuck on that part while the answer could (and imo should have been) have been given by the program itself to help you understand what you did wrong.

trying 30 different options while not getting any closer to the solution, only getting “Try again”, “Keep trying”, “Hang in there” is just silly and counter productive

That’s what this forum is for. You can ask for help here. If there were answers for each problem, our brains would, in many cases, get lazy and just paste in the answer. This way you must think, and if you can’t find the solution, you have to ask real people for help on this forum. This requires you to find the problem, formulate what you can’t understand in words, and receive personalized answers from real people who give you hints and teach you instead of telling you the answer. These are all skills you’ll need in a real software development environment, where there are no solution sheets, and you have to be able to describe your problem in words so the whole team can work on it. It’s a beautiful model, I think, if a bit frustrating at times :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum @nick30
This is what the forum, and the members who use it are here for. If we just give the solution out, you really don’t learn anything from it. So, when you fail a question 3 times this pops up.
It gives you the options of have you done the Read-Search-Ask method
If you have it then gives the option of searching it up on the forum. If your still stuck, then you can make your own help post in the respected part of the forum. We’re all here to help you, we can guide you, but if a solution is posted in a help post a moderator at any time can edit the post and remove the solution. So don’t think that it’s pointless to learn coding, not saying you are. Even Using AI like ChatGPT to generate code, you still learn nothing from it. Learning to code takes time with any coding language. So take your time, use the forum when needed, and I’m sure you’ll be great with your coding journey

Lumi Athena

Also, do not underestimate the power of asking the question. Very often, just asking it, will provide you the answer. Write it down, read it and wait, magic. Not always, of course, but surprisingly often. It is a well known technique.

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Very true. It’s like the opposite of that phenomenon in chess where you ponder your next move extremely carefully, move the piece, then immediately spot that you’ve blundered horribly.

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