Why buttons are not working on this Simple React App

I´m trying to do calculator on react, following a tutorial. I have the same code (I think, at least i have verified over and over) but when I click on the button which has the “onClick” attached to it, the page it doesn´t do anything (when in fact, it should display “AC” in the display )

Here I have 2 statess components:

class Display extends React.Component{
        return (
            <p id="display">{this.props.result}</p>
class Keypad extends React.Component{
    //anclar funcion a estos botones:
    botonPresionado = e => {
        return (
            <div id="grid2">
                <button onClick={this.botonPresionado} id="clear" name="clear">AC</button>
                <button id="divide" name="divide">/</button>
                <button id="multiply" name="multiply">*</button>
                <button id="seven" name="seven">7</button>
                <button id="eight" name="eight">8</button>
                <button id="nine" name="nine">9</button>
                <button id="subtract" name="subtract">-</button>
                <button id="four" name="four">4</button>
                <button id="five" name="five">5</button>
                <button id="six" name="six">6</button>
                <button id="add" name="add">+</button>
                <button id="one" name="one">1</button>
                <button id="two" name="two">2</button>
                <button id="three" name="three">3</button>
                <button id="equals" name="equals">=</button>
                <button id="zero" name="zero">0</button>
                <button id="decimal" name="decimal">.</button>

And here the Stateful Component:

class App extends React.Component {
    this.state ={
      result: ""
    this.botonPresionado = this.botonPresionado.bind(this);

   botonPresionado = nombreBoton => {
    this.setState = ({
      result: nombreBoton
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <Display result={this.state.result} />
        <Keypad botonPresionado={this.botonPresionado} />

Here´s the full code: https://codepen.io/Assblack/pen/XwZMNv

Syntax issue:

this.setState = ({
      result: nombreBoton

setState is a function, should be this.setState({ result: nombreBoton }).

It should work fine after fixing that

Also delete this line:

this.botonPresionado = this.botonPresionado.bind(this);

You are using a class property (botonPresionado = nombreBoton => {), you only need to bind if you are using a class method (if it was botonPresionado(nombreBoton) { instead).

Your class property is an arrow function, which has no this, so you cannot (and do not need to) bind this to it.


EDIT, also, you don’t need the constructor, you can just write:

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    result: ""

  botonPresionado = nombreBoton => {
      result: nombreBoton

  render() {

EDIT 2: if you want to go nuts and try newer features, this is functionally identical:

const App = () => {
  const [result, setResult] = React.useState("");

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Display result={result} />
      <Keypad botonPresionado={setResult} />

const Display = ({ result }) => <p id="display">{result}</p>;

const Keypad = ({ botonPresionado }) => (
  <div id="grid2">
    <button onClick={e => botonPresionado(e.target.name)} id="clear" name="clear">AC</button>
    <button id="divide" name="divide">/</button>
    <button id="multiply" name="multiply">*</button>
    <button id="seven" name="seven">7</button>
    {/* rest of your buttons here */}
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