Why do so many devs use macs for laptop choice?

I only have issues when I’m using bluetooth but if I’m using bluetooth I’m generally at my desk where everything is plugged up so it doesn’t matter.

This too. I’m almost on 6 years with my Macbook Pro. Battery is strong.


Even if one day the battery health has degraded too much - it’ll still be a long time before you need to completely upgrade because stuff is super slow - you can replace the battery at an Apple Store with a fresh one :slight_smile:

A Mac is required in order to build your app for iOS devices.

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That certainly is not the only reason many many people in general and programmers specifically still use Windows. Any OS that has good tools that will run on it is perfectly fine for web programming. I use Windows but I am not fanatical about it, I also use Ubuntu and OSX - but mostly Windows. Check out the 2016 StackOverflow survey of over 50 thousand developers - the breakdown of developers who use Linux vs Mac OS X vs Windows may surprise you. Survey


That’s an interesting survey - I also saw that Javascript is most popular language among frontend, backend, and full-stack developers :smiley:

See also:

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I like my mac because it’s well-built and still runs reasonably fast (especially since it’s 5 years old). Plus, I have installed windows on it, so I can pretty much run any software thrown at me. (Except for anything that involves apt-get, because Apple doesn’t care about updating packages or even having them in the first place. Luckily, I’ve discovered Homebrew, which lets me install most of the things that apt-get can.)

EDIT: It has been proven that if you install Mac OS on a PC, it actually runs better than the Mac Pro (While costing about $1000 less)! (Just keep that in mind if purchasing a new machine)


Only developers care about packages - so it’s an add-on and not included by default.

Sure if you give it the most expensive components you can find (Quad-core Intel Core i7-3770 processor).

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I’m really keen to buy a mac but super disappointed with the specs on the latest MacBook. Do you think there is still value in an older MacBook that would be updated/refurbished. I’m looking at a 2013 MacBook with great specs, but wondering if that is too old?

I really wanna get a Mac but I just want good specs, it’s about time Apple upgraded their basic specs!!!

Macs provide good VALUE.

Note, I didn’t say CHEAPEST. Good value and being the cheapest are totally different things.

A lot of people compare Macs vs. PC laptops on just specs alone… speed, ram, screen size, etc… and then declare Macs are overpriced piece of hardware. (The same people that probably haven’t used a Mac but feel qualified criticizing it, or giving their opinion on something they haven’t used!)

When you start working on these cheap PC laptops, the amount of aggravation and lost productivity hours, and other minor problems and annoyances just pile up – so now, who’s wasting money?

“I’m updating my virus signature file”, “I’m doing registry tweaks”, “I’m in DLL hell”, “I’m re-installing XYZ Program, or I’m reinstalling Windows” — things you never hear a Mac user say.

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I use the 11" 2012 MacBook Air, and it still works really well! I don’t notice much of a speed decrease.

What types of specs do you require for your work load? We could potentially help you choose the right model.

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I would love anything over 8gb RAM, 2.5 Ghz, 256GB storage, USB ports preferable, retina screen would be cool, the latest OS Sierra, i7 chip, Microsoft Office, a price tag <= $1200.

As for the OS - you can download the update for free, Microsoft Office probably won’t be bundled (seriously just use Google Docs - or iCloud with Pages if you wanna be all Apple), you’ll have at least one usb port, for the other specs and the given price range it may be difficult to find one, let’s see if the community has any suggestions - why such high specs?

ok, price range can maybe be $1500 – MS Office isnt a biggie.

I just think, I would like to future proof the computer a bit, and I think at least 8-12gb RAM would be decent. 2.5Ghz is pretty standard, and i7 chip would be another future proofing option.

TBH I don’t know that much… I just know what’s out there on the market, and I know how fast technology moves… Do you have any proper recommendations ? I’m totally open

$1500 is doable. See if you can find 16gb machines. SSD boot drive will be faster and less drain on batteries. Definitely an i7 CPU. Just use a small form factor external USB drive for extra storage needs. 15" will be better for a daily driver.


The difference between the i5 and i7 from what I understand is that the i5 can only hyperthread with two cores, while the i7 can hyperthread an unlimited number of cores. The use of an i5 is both cheaper and practical in most cases. The i5 on my system is at 2.7ghz and can turboboost as needed. If you look on Apple’s website the current Macbook Pros are at 2.3ghz BUT turbo-boost up to 3.6ghz which results in powersavings when you don’t need the full power. It’s also within your budget. Thoughts?

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The OS update this fall changes the file system and the SSDs will be even faster :slight_smile:

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Ok so $1500 – and i5 isn’t a critical factor. 16gb RAM and ~2.5 Ghz with turbo boost. So potentially a 2014 model with retina might be possible?

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