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hey I need help i don’t know that to do everything it’s passing but
Your games table should have a game_id column that is a type of SERIAL and is the primary key, a year column of type INT , and a round column of type VARCHAR
All of your columns should have the NOT NULL constraint
are not passing and create the code for it and everything its “NOT NULL” too so I don’t understand why its not working please help
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Challenge: World Cup Database - Build a World Cup Database
If you could capture the current state of the database and tables, that would be great (I think your sql file doesn’t show in one shot the results of those two /l and /d for each table )
this one its suppose to fix the Your games table should have a game_id column that is a type of SERIAL and is the primary key, a year column of type INT , and a round column of type VARCHAR
I am not sure what you are planning. For eg. Do you want to drop the whole table and recreate it from scratch? Or do you just want to altar it (column by column)?