World Cup Database - Build a World Cup Database

Tell us what’s happening:

Submitting files to freeCOdeCamp. I have completed all saved files to repo and pasted link but it just says I must complete project first.

###Your project link(s)

solution: GitHub - roejv/world_cup

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge Information:

World Cup Database - Build a World Cup Database

Hi @roejv

Try opening the project again through the Dashboard and press Run

Make sure you are logged into freeCodeCamp first.

Happy coding

Tried that to no avail.

Looks like you may need to start the project again.

You can use the dump file to recreate the tables.

Happy coding

Again ALREADY DONE no luck

In that case, you may need to restart your computer and start fresh.

Before you do that, save the scripts in a folder on your computer, so you don’t need to type everything again.

Jesus Christ do you think I am an idiot. I have done all that !!!.

You may need to do that a few times.

The connection can timeout, and other things can go wrong.
I’ve had to repeat practice and certification projects multiple times even though it completes everything in CodeRoad, however it does not mark as complete on freeCodeCamp.