World Cup Database - Build a World Cup Database

Tell us what’s happening:

can not access due to usage limit reached. I do not want to pay for upgrading the usage limit. what is your solution for this? I have tried to run the test locally as mentioned on this link

but I was not able to find the command “CodeRoad: Start” on command pallet after I followed the instructions.

Your help is really appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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World Cup Database - Build a World Cup Database

Welcome to the forum @subagja87

Since working on the project locally is not working for you, as a temporary measure, you could create a new GitHub account to work on the projects. Once the project is complete, save all the scripts and files on your computer.

Your progress will not link to your fCC account. However, since working on them locally will also not save your progress, it is pretty much the same thing.

Once your Gitpod credits reset, login using your original account and copy and paste the files you created earlier.

Happy coding

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