Tell us what’s happening:
It’s failing tests 9, 10, and 11.
9. If the timer is running, the element with the id of "time-left" should display the remaining time in mm:ss format (decrementing by a value of 1 and updating the display every 1000ms).
25 + 5 clock has started but time displayed is not changing : expected 0 to be above 0
10. If the timer is running and I click the element with id="start_stop", the countdown should pause.
25 + 5 has started but time displayed is not changing: expected '00' to not equal '00'
11. If the timer is paused and I click the element with id="start_stop", the countdown should resume running from the point at which it was paused.
25 + 5 clock has started but time displayed is not changing: expected '00' to not equal '00'
Is there any obvious reason as to why it’s not working? I’ve been stuck for days and I really don’t want to rewrite the entire thing.
I wrote this in VSCode so the buttons and beep I’m using have been replaced with text and the beep from the example program, as I have no place to host that stuff right now. Regardless, it still works fine. Just doesn’t pass.
Your code so far
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Challenge: Build a 25 + 5 Clock
Link to the challenge: