Maybe there’s another way to do that - if so, I haven’t figured that out yet.
When I see the quality of some replies/explanations/pieces of advice, I just wish we could copy/paste them into one Category featuring only that type of content.
It could be also voted up by the forums for usefulness.
For example, a certain Michael just explained something here .
I’m also thinking about nearly everything @P1xt can say - lengthy explanations about so many things, complete curriculums, etc.
Or the first answer I’ve had from @ArielLeslie explaining Scope (maybe too basic?).
That category would only be those bits and pieces, not comments on them, not reactions. But a library of the best pieces on FCC forums.
[edit] bits and piece but reorganized to be nicely readable - it would definitely require editing the thread as we add more information to a same “thread” (or rather column).
A category everyone could visit everyday and learn something every time !
What do you think? - Maybe we could also have the possibility to edit so we can add further information when it arises?
PS: I’d be happy to devote some of my time maintaining it or starting it (copy/pasting and setting up the first few topics. Later on we could reorganise the content, make separate threads for books on JS, libraries, the perfect training, exercises, bla. ) Oh, I’ve got it, what I mean is creating some sort of library ! Duh, I’m slow sometimes.
PPS - hmmm. is that what the Wiki section is supposed to be? (blushing blushing blushing).
[EDIT] for maintainability / management reasons, campers who spot those gold nuggets on the forums could flag them / report them to the person in charge of the said Category. If suitable, that person (me if you want) can then accordingly format-paste-bla.
It doesn’t prevent campers from giving their advice but helps them finding the right links and gives “permanent” reading material to campers with insomnia.
Come on, come on, what do you think?