A lot of clones but no forks. Is this normal behaviour for GitHub?

I made a github account a few weeks back and since then have been consistently learning and backing up work on there. This includes the problems I solve for cs50, all fcc projects as well as a few forked open source repositories with MIT license that I am trying to edit and learn.

If I go to the traffic insights, I see 20-30 clones each on four of my repositories, however, no one has forked it or anything. Is this normal?

Because I thought it would be more like if someone finds my work interesting, they would fork it and share how they are able to make it better or find alternate use cases for it. Maybe I am being too much of an idealist. :smile:

They do two totally different things:

  • forking lets you modify the original repo with a pull request as well as pulling down any changes.

  • on the contrary when you clone you are not able to either modify or updated your copy based on the original repo.

A better explanation here

Thanks for the reply @Marmiz, I am aware of the difference. I am mostly just concerned that others might be cloning the repos to use as submissions at either cs50 or here at FCC. As it would not be good for their learning.

Once you upload them to github they are publicly available,
I don’t know any way to restrict it besides licensing it.

To be honest that has more to do with academic honesty, I wouldn’t loose sleep over it.

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To be honest that has more to do with academic honesty, I wouldn’t loose sleep over it.

fair enough! :slight_smile: