So I’ve just finished going through Basic JS and Object Oriented Programming. Grasping the basics alone have taken me a considerable amount of time so far and I don’t feel quite ready to tackle the JS algorithms just yet. I was wondering if anyone feels or has felt the same way, what did you do to beef up your algorithm thinking ability and also what learning resources did you use before attempting the algorithms, if any? I’m currently leaning towards the YDKJS 6 book series and also was wondering just how much of it I should really dive into and which part of it focuses on the basic concepts that FCC delivers? What other resources have you guys used that have proved to be helpful especially with improving algorithmic thinking?
I know I will have to go back to Basic JS and OOP challenges to repeat what I’ve learned in my head but I don’t want to just do that alone and simply regurgitate what I’ve learned.
TL;DR - Basic JS and OOP challenges done, but not ready to start algorithms yet. Thoughts?
The only way to get better is to do them. Don’t count on some intermediary step being a way to magically change the way you think. No amount of studying is going to make you ready.
I can’t say I ever feel “ready” to code anything. I just jump right into the problem and try to work it out. No other way around it. If you ever get stuck though best thing to do it to take a break and come back.