I know there’s several threads talking about how to get the CDN to work for testing your project. However, I can’t seem to get them to work with the given solutions.
I’ve put the script tag at the beginning of the body, at the end of the body, in the <div> tag which has the id="app". Put it in the head… Everywhere! I can’t seem to get it to show up.
Attached a link so that you could see what I currently have.
Add the test script in the body element at the bottom.
The test script doesn’t work with the template that is using create-react-app.
Also, the npm package you installed does the exact same thing. It is using react-helmet to add the script to the head element. Which again doesn’t work with the template you are using.
Thanks! I’ll try this one again.
One of the solutions pointed me towards this template, I believe she said you’d made it.
But anyhoot, I must’ve had a referencing error or something when I tried to copy my code over to it, because it wouldn’t work for me on there either.
One day I might not be such a n00b.