Am I still supposed to use React AND Sass?

So I made the camper leaderboard and the markdown previewer, but I didn’t watch the videos on them. When I watched the video for the recipe box one of the rules was that I had to use React and Sass. I built both of the above with only React, should I redo them?

If by “redo” you mean delete and start from scratch, then I would emphatically say NO. Just rewrite your CSS to use Sass. This is actually a great way to learn.

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Yeah, I’ll definitely do that, I have never used Sass so wish me luck!

You don’t need luck. You’ve got this :thumbsup:

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Se we are suppose to do the user stories in the video and the ones one the page? Or just the ones on the page? or Just the ones on the video? I have been going along with the page user stories so far and so haven’t done this in react - just plain js/css.

The page user stories should be accomplished, I treat them as if a client was asking me to do these things


The page user stories don’t say anything about React and Sass, but the Map still says “React Projects” (no mention of Sass).

So I’m guessing React is still mandatory, but Sass isn’t. I’m using React + Glamorous.

Please correct me if I’m wrong and I still need to use Sass. Thank you!

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